NCS: Graduation ceremony for volunteers

First NCS graduation a success

The Carlisle United Football in the Community Project held their first graduation ceremony for volunteers involved in the NCS scheme last week. 

NCS is a Government funded scheme for 16 & 17 year olds who are interested in helping their community during the school holidays. 

The scheme focuses on building new skills for work and life, whilst allowing attendees to take part in some fantastic activities and make new friends. 

If you join the NCS scheme, you will have a week away on a residential trip before coming home and making a difference in your local community. 

'Team Awesome', who took part in the first scheme connected to Carlisle United, went away to Lockerbie for a week where they took part in activities such as archery, abseiling and crate stacking. 

When they returned, they set about helping their local community and the team decided to raise money for Carlisle Key by holding cake sales during the Football in the Community half term soccer schools, and before the last first-team game of the season against Colchester. 

Team Awesome raised £300 which was presented to a representative from Carlisle Key on the night of their graduation. 

NCS coordinator Sarah Ellery said: "Before our week away some of the team seemed shy and nervous around each other, but by the end of the scheme they were like a totally different group of people. 

"They all seemed to enjoy our week away and I think they'll agree that they've made some brilliant friends. We asked Carlisle Key to come to the graduation ceremony so the team could see how much their hard work was appreciated.

"Hopefully now we can get more people involved in the summer and autumn schemes so we can really push the programme on.  

For more information on NCS, and to join the schemes, click HERE.

To see a gallery from the graduation ceremony, click HERE
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