INTERVIEW: Meeting planned for this week

Manager on the Lee Miller situation

United manager Greg Abbott today confirmed that he is due to hold face-to-face talks with out-of-contract forward Lee Miller later this week when the pair return from their respective trips abroad.

"I've been in constant contact with Lee throughout the last couple of weeks but we're in a situation where we want to talk to each other face-to-face rather than do things over the phone," he explained.

"It's been quite frustrating for both of us because he's been away when I've been available, and it's been the same the other way round. With that in mind we've had to show a little bit of patience, but that's acceptable when it hasn't been the fault of anyone that we haven't been able to get together.

"We've had some very good conversations but there are one or two things we still want to discuss. We are both back in the country midweek and the plan is for us to meet up with a view to talking about Lee signing the contract offer we have on the table at the moment.

"If all goes well we should have a decision on that by the end of this week."

Lanark-born Miller, 30, signed for the Cumbrians from Middlesbrough in August 2011 and has netted 24 goals in his 60 appearances in a blue shirt to date.
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