INTERVIEW: Loved being involved again

Final part of our Sean O'Hanlon interview

In the second part of our interview with defender Sean O’Hanlon he spoke first about his hopes for the developing partnership with fellow centre back Danny Livesey.

“Danny and I built up a really good understanding,” he said.

“We're similar players so that probably helps. He's a good talker and a good leader and we really help each other out. 

“Danny is a great player and it's very easy to play alongside him. I think the partnership will just continue to get better as we play more games together.”

“We’ve got a good group of lads in the squad who all have the same outlook,” he continued. “Even though we were struggling when I first got here we still had a very good dressing room atmosphere.

“The lads seemed confident that we could start picking up the results we wanted and I think it was more a consistency thing than us being a bad team.

“We all want to put last season behind us now. If we get off to a good start then it will put us in a good position for the rest of the season. I always look at the fixtures in blocks, so that first run of ten games is key to what we want to achieve.

“Even though I wasn't here before Christmas, when the results were disappointing, I feel like I need to make sure I do my bit to help stop that from happening again. Nobody wants the threat of relegation which is why it's so important to get off to a good start. 

“It's obviously much more exciting being at the top end of the table and there's probably even less pressure once you get up there.”

“It does feel like we're ready to push on,” he told us. “We've got a good bunch of youth players who will be really hungry and the experienced players will have a part to play in helping to bring it all together.

“I think Yeovil have showed that it can be done, whatever the size of the budget, so that's what we'll all be aiming for next season.”

A tally of 19 appearances confirmed the big centre half as a regular in the starting line up through the second half of the last campaign and he admitted that the run of regular football had put a smile back on his face.

“The best bit about the last six months has been that fact that I’ve been involved with a team again,” he confirmed. 

“You can't beat the feeling of winning a game of football and getting the three points. The Saturday night after you win a game is one of the best feelings you get in the job and it was probably the thing I missed most when I wasn’t involved.

“It's nice to know the manager had enough faith in me to give me another chance down here. It does make you much more confident on the pitch. He's been fantastic since day one and, now I know he trusts my ability, it does make it a lot easier.”

As for what’s expected of him next season, he said: “I think the gaffer wants me to be one of the leaders on the pitch, which I'm very happy to do.

“We’ll all have a part to play and if we do want to improve then we’re going to have to put the work in to achieve it. 

“The fans have been really patient with us and that’s important. Without the fans the club wouldn't exist, so to have them on your side is massive.”

“Getting promoted always has to be the goal, on a personal level and as a club,” he concluded. “On top of that you just want to play as many games as you can.

“If I can chip in with a few goals as well then that would be a bonus. I set a target of two for last season, when I got here, and I did feel I should have got more than the one against Brentford. Hopefully I’ll add a few more to help the team this time round.”

Click HERE for part one of this interview.
Read Time: 4 mins