INTERVIEW: I genuinely love the club

Final part of our Eric Kinder interview

In the final part of our interview with Eric Kinder he spoke about the pleasure gained from working with players who have gone on to make their way in the game and about his strong bond with the club.

“Looking back, I have worked with some fantastic young players,” he said. “I could list them, but we all know who they are. 

“It’s been a pleasure and a privilege to see some of them break through and forge careers in the game. I’m still in contact with so many of the players who have been through our youth system and I hope that continues. 

“By far and away the best part of the job is seeing the positive affect you can have on young lads who are trying to find their way in life and in their chosen career.”

The hardest task for anyone moving on are the goodbyes and farewells when the dreaded last day in the office comes round.

“What can I say?” Eric said. “The staff are all brilliant and we all went out and had a drink on Saturday … and you’ll have to forgive me because it’s still very emotional and very raw. It’s tough to think about leaving them behind. I’ve made so many good friends that it’s unbelievable. I can only thank them for the way they’ve been with me and I’m going to miss them all a huge amount.

“If anybody at the club wants any help, or even just a chat, then I’m on the end of the phone. I’ll be happy to give my opinion on who should fill my role, if that’s required, but it needs to be somebody the manager and the club want - not somebody I want. Greg and John have both said that when they've got a shortlist they would like my input and I'll certainly give them it. However, I’ll also understand if they decide that my thoughts aren’t required. It’s about finding someone who will do the job they need them to do – that part of things isn’t about me any more.

“Having said that, if there’s a player at Blackburn who I think would benefit from some time up here, then I would definitely talk to Gary [Bowyer] to get his thoughts. If he agreed then we could look at Carlisle United as an option. I know this club really looks after younger players, loan players and things like that, so if it suited everyone it’s something that could happen. I’m not saying it will, but it’s an option for us all going forward.”

“I'm really looking forward to the challenge ahead,” he continued. “I'm a bit nervous, even though I went down to talk to them last week, but that’s only natural. 

“It’s a big move for me and I will say that driving back into the Blackburn car park felt like home, even though there is no doubt that Carlisle is my home now. 

“I'll have to get to know everybody again, but it is a fantastic club. It's similar to Carlisle in that all the staff are very close, from the backroom staff to the girls in the offices. I went to my first game there when I was five and I was at Anfield when they won the Premier League title. In that sense Blackburn have always been my club. 

“I'm really looking forward to getting my teeth into it now. I think there are only three players left from my last time there, and David Dunn rang me saying he was looking forward to seeing me, which was nice. 

“All of that stuff will eventually make the move feel easier - but I don't think people down there understand how much I love Carlisle. Everybody has a second team, mine was always Real Madrid, but they'll be dropped down to third now. 

“The Carlisle United first team and youth team results will be the first ones I look for now because I genuinely do love the club.”

Click HERE for part one of this interview.

Click HERE for part two of this interview.
Read Time: 4 mins