FUTSAL: England trip gallery

United Futsal team watch England in action

Carlisle United Futsal Team had their first get together when they went to watch the England Futsal team play USA at Northumbria University last week. 

Former United goalkeeper Tony Elliot, now a coach with the England Futsal team, popped across to speak to the lads to give them some words of encouragement and advice.

John Halpin said: "The Americans won the match 2–1 but it was a worthwhile exercise for us to take the lads over there.

"It showed them a completely different style of football and it gave them an insight into what they can expect when they start with us in September.

"The game is very quick, technical and skillful and has been played in Europe by clubs at the highest level for many years.

"Our group are now really looking forward to their time with us having seen the quality on show last week."

Above is a gallery from the trip. 
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