INTERVIEW: Dust ourselves off

Manager on the Scunthorpe game

United manager Greg Abbott gave us his reaction to the Scunthorpe away game shortly after full time on Tuesday night.

He said: “I didn’t think we were as up for it or as determined as they were for long periods in the first half. That’s not something I enjoy saying about my team. We looked like we were getting into it in terms of possession and how we were playing, but we let ourselves down with the goal. 

“It was the type of goal we’ve been guilty of conceding where it comes across us, and we haven’t stopped it or dealt with it. It was a good one from their point of view, but a bad one from ours, and it knocked us onto the back foot.

“Then we conceded another poor one, as far as we’re concerned, and they started to look like a team who have been on a good run recently.

“We were better after the break. We hoped that we’d kick on from the James Berrett goal and get something from it, but it didn’t go that way due to a combination of near misses and good goalkeeping.

“The important thing now is that we dust ourselves off and get ready to go again for Saturday. We’ve been on a good run and obviously we’re all feeling more than disappointed that we haven’t managed to carry that on. 

“There has been a lot of hard work involved in getting ourselves into a position to push on again and it’s important that you come to places like this and stay tight. We’ve probably knocked the belief in what we’re trying to do from outside the group, so it’s up to us to go out there and win that back again.

“The pleasing thing was that we had a good go at it in the second half but we couldn’t quite get that second goal. There are positives to take from that, but the only thing we see at this moment in time is a defeat. We’re never going to be happy about that.

“The lads have been fantastic recently and I’ve just told them in the dressing room that I want us to finish as high up the table as we can. The target at the moment is to get 50 points and then we can see where we’re going from there. 

“The results we’ve had tell us that we have plenty to build on. This one has gone against us so we have to learn from it and make sure we keep the season going. We still have a very good group in there and they’ll be as determined as anyone to get it right.”
Read Time: 3 mins