INTERVIEW: Do as well as I can

Josh Morris on what he wants from his loan move

Left-sided Blackburn Rovers player Josh Morris spoke to us ahead of his first training session with the team following his deadline day loan move last Thursday. 

"It's a pleasure to be here," he said. "It was a bit of a last minute thing, but it's something I'm really looking forward to and hopefully I can do well for this month. 

"I didn't know anything was happening until 3pm on Thursday afternoon so it has all been a bit of a whirlwind. I've been out on loan a few times so I'm getting used to being put straight into the team without having the chance to train with the group. I was in and out of the side at Blackburn so I knew I needed to come out and get some games under my belt."

On his previous loan moves, he said: "Yeovil was obviously a long way from home so it was good for me to move away and play some games. I was still a young lad so it was good for me to live away from home and experience things at a different club. 

"Rotherham was another good experience, they've obviously got a nice new stadium with a good pitch, and I enjoyed my month there. It's all really good for experience and you can't beat playing in games where things really matter."

As to what we can expect, he commented: "I'll play anywhere the manager wants me to but I think my best position is wide on the left. I don't mind playing at full back because as long as I can get on the ball and get forward I'm happy. 

"I do like to try and beat my man and get my crosses away. That's obviously a big part of being a winger and helping the lads in the box. I also like to take set pieces. I've scored a few in the reserves but once you get into the first team you're down the pecking order a little bit. I'll keep practicing and hopefully I can score a few if I get the chance."

"My main aim for the month is to play games to get my fitness up and my sharpness back," he said. "I've been coming on for five minutes here and there for Blackburn but I haven't been playing as much as I would have liked. I did play up here in the Capital One Cup, I actually had one of the best games I've had for Blackburn, but I obviously missed the penalty which was just one of those things." 

"I've already played at this level with Yeovil so I have a good idea of what to expect," he continued. "I know Eric [Kinder] quite well, I had him as a coach when I was 13 when I first joined Blackburn, and he had a lot of good things to say about the club. 

"He phoned me on Sunday after the game to see how I had got on and he still loves it up here. He told me it would be a good place to come and get some experience." 

"Kav has told me to do as well as I can because this is a chance for me to show people what I'm all about," he told us. "I was thrown in at the deep end a little bit and I was still learning people's names during the game on Saturday. That's all part of the experience. Hopefully I can get a good couple of weeks of training under my belt and I'll feel more comfortable in the next game. 

"We've obviously played up here in the cup, and I think Kav watched me in the reserve games we've played against Carlisle, so it does help to know that he knows what type of player I am," he concluded. "There's a lot of good players here so I know I'll have to work hard to get in the team.

"That's something I enjoy because it means you have to keep your level of performance up. I just can't wait to get on the pitch and start doing well for the team."

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