INTERVIEW: We have to start games better

Mark Gillespie on the Bradford defeat

We spoke to goalkeeper Mark Gillespie after the Monday morning training session to discuss the disappointing defeat at Bradford on Saturday. 

"Work isn't a nice place to be at the moment," he told us. "That's how football goes sometimes and we need to show everybody we're a good team instead of just telling them. We had a good session this morning and we're all working as hard as we possibly can to put things right. 

"We know we've been conceding a lot of goals and it doesn't matter if you play well because people will always look at the score line at the end of the day. All we can do is work as hard as we possibly can, as a team and as individuals, to cut out the mistakes and prevent the ball going in our net."

"We simply can't keep coming in at half time 2-0 or 3-0 down because the game is over," he admitted. "After that it's a case of not conceding any more, but we have to start games better. We can't really focus on ourselves because the main thing is to stop the opposition from scoring at the moment. We know if we stay in games we've got players who can nick us goals - but there's no point if we're already three down.  

"We're all as angry and as upset as the fans but we need to make sure we channel that in the right way. I think today was the start of it because it was a good, sharp session and you could tell everybody was frustrated." 

"I spoke to a couple of fans outside the stadium and then apologised on Twitter because that sort of performance isn't acceptable," he said. "There's no way I can enjoy a weekend after a defeat but it's even worse after a defeat of that nature. 

"I'm a football fan myself and I know when you go to games that you want to get your money's worth. We didn't do that for the fans on Saturday and that hurts everyone. We need to change that because we need the fans on our side. The only way we can do that is by playing well and getting some good results." 

"You obviously look at your individual performance and there are certain things I was happy with on Saturday," he continued. "I made a couple of decent saves but I want to be making them at 0-0, not when we're 4-0 down.

"Myself and Caigy [Tony Caig] have had a chat about the game and looked at the goals. I need to look at my own performance to make sure I can keep improving. The training session today was more about getting Saturday out of our mind so we can focus on the Coventry game. 

"We all keep saying that we're better than this but we need to show people that really is the case. We know we have to go out and show people how physically and mentally strong we are. We probably need to be more street smart and show people that we can battle. Once we've done that we can play our football and look to get a good result." 

"It does hurt when you get messages and tweets about the performance, but you can understand it," he told us. "There's a lot of personal pride involved because it's our careers at the end of the day. We represent this football club first of all and we know that we let ourselves down on Saturday. It just can't go on."

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Read Time: 4 mins