CUMBRIANS ELITE: August 2013 update

Latest from the Cumbrians elite team

Welcome to the first CUMBRIANS ELITE update for the 2013/14 season. 

Each month, we will send out our E-letter with news of competitions, games, articles and offers. As well as our regular features, we would love to invite you to contribute to the site. After all, the site is there for you and your community. 

We would welcome any articles or new features that you think may interest the wider community. Tell us about any places of interest you have visited, meals you have enjoyed, people you have met or groups you are a member of. 

If you would like us to promote your team, hobby or interest just drop us an email and we will do what we can to promote the good work going on in the community. 

We have already made links with the local Futsal teams and we have even decided to sponsor the Carlisle Blues Futsal Team – check out the squad picture on the site! 

Each week we will add new content to the site including regular features and competitions that may appeal you your team and your family. There are a number of articles for you to have a look at already, including a solution to the transfer market. You'll find them in the TALK section. 

CUMBRIANS ELITE continues to team up with new shops and businesses in the area to help save you money. This month, Vallum House, Andersons and Northern Vacuums have all signed up to help save you money when using your membership cards. 

Keep checking the website OFFERS tab for new deals. 

If you own a shop or a business and you think you would like to sign up to the site and offer something for our CUMBRIANS ELITE members please get in touch with us. We have nearly 3,000 card holders now and we want to encourage our members to use local stores. Help us unite the community for United. 

Cheerio, Cumbrians Elite

If you would like to contact us with ideas or suggestions please email us at: or visit our website:
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