ACADEMY: U10 football festival

U10's enjoy a trip to Middlesbrough

The Carlisle United U10 academy team were recently invited to a football festival, organised by the Football League, held at Middlesbrough's training ground. 

The festival was held in a round-robin format, with two teams from Hartlepool, Middlesbrough, York City and Carlisle United involved in the cycle of fixtures. 

Academy coach Ben Benson said: "We had a great day and all of our players were fantastic ambassadors for the club. It was great to see the positive attitude and we came away having made a lot of new friends.

"The day wasn't about the results but all of the coaching staff were delighted with the performance of both of our teams.

"A big thank you must go the parents and players for their cooperation. They were a fantastic help to us and we really appreciated their input.

"We are all really excited for the season ahead and we know that this experience will give our under 10s a fantastic springboard."
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