TREATMENT: Our latest injury update

Latest from the treatment table

Danny Cadamarteri had his operation on Monday which included a tidy up of his knee joint and a microfracture procedure. He will now spend approximately four weeks on crutches, to allow everything to settle down, and we will then take advice from his surgeon as to when to progress with his rehabilitation programme from there. This is one of those situations where we can’t set a timeframe on recovery because each case is different. However, it has to be looked after properly and, with that in mind, we can say at this stage that he will not be ready to rejoin training until after the start of next season.

Chris Chantler has had a little bit of a setback with his rehab programme due to an infection in the operated area of his ankle. He was initially on a course of antibiotics to counter that but his surgeon decided it was best to remove the infection and then take it forward from there. He will go back to see his specialist in ten days time, at which point we will be able to bring a further update.

David Symington is continuing with his rehab programme following the knee injury he picked up a couple of weeks ago. He will also see our knee surgeon in ten days time and we will be able to take things from there.

Frank Simek and Paul Thirlwell have both returned to full training and should be available, if required, for this weekend.
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