The latest treatment room

Club physio Dolly gave us the latest news from his treatment room ahead of the first away trip of the season:

The work with Rory Loy is ongoing, and the surgeon advised us to get a specialist ultrasound machine which he now uses every night whilst he is sat at home. He has been told to do that for three weeks and we are already near the end of the first week of that process. The surgeon will decide next week whether to reassess him before or after the three week period is up. It’s really frustrating for Rory because he had rejoined training and he was building things up, but we have to be guided by the surgeon at every stage. 

Paddy Madden is progressing really well. He has increased his gym and CV work and we should be in a position to get him outside to train at some point next week. It’s now a case of getting the fitness back into his legs, but he’s a really fit lad anyway so that won’t take too long. By the end of next week he should be back in training with the lads, all being well. That’s all really positive for him.

Jon-Paul McGovern played 80 minutes against Accrington and that was a huge boost for him. We’re doing a few extra things with him in and around training but he’ll catch up very quickly. 

Danny Cadamarteri played a full 90 minutes in our reserve game against Middlesbrough and he came through that with no problems. He was back in full training yesterday and should push on from here. 

Jack Lynch is still doing his gym work and the main aim is to put a little bit more pressure on the area of the foot which suffered from the bruising. We’ll continue to build up the work he’s doing and we’ll see how it reacts as we go on. As we said in the last update, we don’t like to put a timescale on these because it comes down to how quickly his body heals. His body has to go through its repair process in its own time and all we can do is the rehab and strengthening work around that.
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