Striker on scoring on his debut

United loanee Jake Jervis marked his debut for the club with the opening goal of a thrilling encounter on Saturday when he held his ground to nod home an inch perfect cross from JP McGovern.

We spoke to him about it shortly after the game.

He said: "I seem to have a knack of scoring on my debut. I've done it at a few of the clubs I've been with on-loan and it's always good to get a goal.

"I saw the ball coming across and you just try to react to it. When you get the connection you try to put it as far away from the keeper as you can, and I managed to do that."

"JP [McGovern] put the ball in and he has been great with me these last few days," he added. "He's looked after me and shown me around and I've really appreciated it."

"It's ages since I scored with a header, so that's nice," he continued. "It's probably about two or three years since I last did it and it's something I've been working on."

And on the attacking style of football, he said: "The number of chances created for the strikers was exactly what we want. 

"There was one at the end where I should have gone round the keeper ... but we scored from it anyway, so I'm happy enough.

"When you get an ending to a game like that you just have to grind it out. We're not too happy with how we conceded but the important thing was we got into positions to score again at the other end."

Having had just one full training session in the lead up to the game we wondered how that had impacted on the settling-in process.

"It's been the same with the other loans I've had," he told us. "You always get one or two days and then you're into a game. You have to try and get to know everyone, and how they play, as quickly as you can.

"The fans seem to like me, which helps a lot, and hopefully it can stay that way.

"The only disappointment for me is that I can't play on Tuesday night. It's a game against a Championship club and I would have loved to have been able to show what I can do, but I still have Saturday to look forward to and that's now where my focus will be."

United Player subscribers can see a video interview with Jake Jervis later today. For more information on United Player, and to subscribe, click HERE.
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