The manager on the MK Dons trip

United manager Greg Abbott spoke to us about the Saturday trip to MK Dons shortly after the closure of the August transfer window.

He said: "Firstly I'd like to thank Leicester for letting us use their facility once again.

"They look after us a lot and they have a great training ground, and it's really good of them to accommodate us in this way.

"It breaks up what is always a long journey and it allows us to work on our final bits and pieces ahead of the game with our final training session of the week.

"This will definitely be one of the toughest away games of the season. MK Dons are one of the sides we always expect will do well and that's no different this season. They like to play football and we know we'll have to work hard to close them down and try to stop them from doing that.

"These two sides seem to bring the best out of each other and there have been some very exciting games between us recently. You can never guarantee anything but what we will try to do is put on another good performance to give ourselves a chance of taking something back up to Cumbria.

"Michael [O'Halloran] joined us at our pick up point and he trained with us today. He's a young lad who is full of energy and we think he'll add something else to the mix. Coming straight in for the session the day before a game is probably a good thing because there's a level of intensity there and you almost have to fit in. He's seen what we're about first hand and hopefully he'll push on from here.

"We did keep working away and we have made some very good phone calls, so there are some definite areas for us to follow up on as we go forward. A heck of a lot of work has been done these past few weeks in terms of getting to a stage where we will be able to strengthen what we already have, and that work won't stop now.

"We're happy with what we've got but we are always looking to add depth and different qualities if we can. We'll keep chipping away, as we have today, until we can bring the right kind of player in."
Read Time: 2 mins